Senin, 14 Mei 2012


 A. Conversation

Asking about holiday
Candy  : Did you have a nice holiday, Cain?
Cain     : Yes, thanks.
Candy  : What did you do?
Cain     : Well, I went to a film and had a game of tennis with my friends. How about you?
Candy  : Fine, thanks. Some friends were visiting from out of town. So I showed them around.

B. Ways to say it

A         : Did you have a nice holiday?                       B           : Yes, thanks
              How was your holiday?                                               Fine, thanks
              What was your holiday?

A         : What did you do on your holiday?                 B          : I went to a film
              Where did you go on your holiday?                             I stayed at home and watched TV
              Did you do anything on your holiday?

A         : Were there a lot of people there?                   B          : Yes, there were
                                                                                                  No, there were not

A         : Was there much rain while you were there?  B          : Yes, there was
                                                                                                  No, there was not

B. Use the example above in the dialogues below!

  1. A         : Did you do anything on the last holiday?
B          : Yes, …………………………………….
A         : Really, and how ……………………….?
B          : ………………………………………….
A         : And were there many ..………………..?
B          : ………………………………………….

  1. A         : What ……………………. last Sunday?
B          : …………………………………………
A         : Did you? What movie …………………?
B          : ………………………………………….
A         : Oh yes. And was it …………………….?
B          : ………………………………………….

C. Practice to talk each other about picnic or vacation you have been. Mention the following:

  1. where you went, when, and who you went with
  2. what time you left
  3. how you got there
  4. what time you arrived at the place
  5. what you did there
  6. what time you came back
  7. how you enjoyed the day

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