Selasa, 15 Mei 2012



A. Conversation

Putting on weight
Rico     : I’m putting on weight. I really need exercise.
Maria   : Well, perhaps you should take up golf or something like that.
Rico     : I don’t really like golf. It’s such a boring sport.
Maria   : Yes, I think so too. Well, perhaps we should join the tennis club. Then we could both play.
Rico     : That’s a good idea. I’ll pick up a couple of membership forms tomorrow.

A Sore Throat
Dian     : How’s your throat this morning, Yoga?
Yoga    : It’s still pretty bad. It’s very sore.
Dian     : You’d better take something for it.
Yoga    : Well, I got something from the shaman, but it hasn’t done much good.
Dian     : Why don’t you see the doctor?
Yoga    : Yes, I think I will.

B. Ways to say it
Practice the dialogue by choosing cues given!

A: Oh, hello. You don’t look well. What’s the matter?
B: Well, actually I’ve ….
A: That’s too bad. Perhaps       you should ….
                                                you’d better ….
                                                you’d ought to ….
B: I’ve already have. But it hasn’t done much good
A: Oh. Well, Why don’t you …?
B: Yes, I think It’s better.
X: You know, I wish I could get better mark. I’d like to do something in this final exam.
Y: So would I. Well, why don’t we …?
X: Yes, that’s a good idea. And we really should try to ….
Y: Yes, and perhaps we should not ….
X: Yes, I think you’re right.

C. Giving Opinions
Read these statements about cultural behavior. Tell your opinion for each statement!

  1. People often kiss friends on the cheek when they meet.
  2. It’s OK to ask people how much they earn.
  3. It’s OK to come to a friend’s house without calling first.
  4. Bargain is common when you buy something in stores.
  5. When friends eat out together, each person usually pays his or her share of the bill.
  6. Parents usually decide whom their children will marry.
  7. People always on time when they are invited.
  8. Students always stand up when the teacher enters the classroom.
  9. Teenagers go out on dates a lot.
  10. It’s OK to blow your nose in public.

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