Senin, 14 Mei 2012



A. Conversation
Practice the dialogues below!

Liz       : Do you like jazz, Tom?
Tom     : No, I don’t like it very much. Do you?
Liz       : It’s OK. What kind of music do you like?
Tom     : Well, I like rock a lot.
Liz       : What’s your favorite group?
Tom     : Nirvana. How about you? Do you like them?
Liz       : No, I don’t. I can’t stand them!

The evenings
Paul     : What do you do in evenings?
Fred     : I have to study every evening except Wednesday.
Paul     : And what about weekends?
Fred     : I play football on Saturday.
Paul     : And what about Sunday?
Fred     : I’m too tired to do anything on Sunday. I sleep.

Talking about free time
Jason   : What do English people do in their free time?
Jane     : That depends. They do all sort of things.
Jason   : Well, what do you do?
Jane     : Ah, that’s easier to answer. I read, I watch TV, and write letters.
Jason   : Do you do anything out of doors?
Jane     : Not very much. But I swim a bit in summer.

Jordan  : What are your hobbies?
Kevin   : Oh, I collect stamps. What about you?
Jordan  : I don’t really have any hobbies.
Kevin   : Well, what do you do in your spare time?
Jordan  : I like to play chess.

B. Pair Work; Entertainment Survey
Practice in pairs to talk about entertainment and entertainers using the following:

Do you like …?
            (pop music, TV, movies, etc)

What kind of … do you like?
            (music, movies, TV programs, etc)

What do you think of …?
            (Dewa 19, Kangen Band, GIGI, etc)

Who is your favorite …?
            (actress, actor, singer, etc)

What’s you favorite … ?
            (music, movie, TV program, etc) 

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