Selasa, 15 Mei 2012


(Simple Past)

 A. Conversation

Asking what happened
Jane     : What happened to your arm, Wayne?
Wayne : Oh, I broke it while I was painting the house.
Jane     : That’s too bad. How come? And when did it happen?
Wayne : Three days ago. I slipped while I was climbing a ladder.
Jane     : Really!

Peculiar Dream
Sheila   : You know, I had a really strange dream last night.
TJ        : Oh yeah? What was it about?
Sheila   : Well, I dreamed that I was driving in a country late at night when I saw UFO land on the  
               road in front of me.
TJ        : And what happened next?
Sheila   : Well, first I got out of my car. While I was standing there, this strange green creature came
               out of the UFO. I tried to run away, but I couldn’t move. Then as it coming nearer, it put its
               hand and touched my face. It felt wet and horrible.
TJ        : Ugh! And..?
Sheila   : And then I woke up and found my cat on my pillow. It was licking my face!

Now take turn talking about a dream or experience you once had (simple past)!

B. Grammar Practice: used to

This is Dennis. He gave up smoking two years ago. He no longer smokes. But he used to smoke. He used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day.
He used to smoke means that he smoked regularly for sometime in the past, but he doesn’t now:

past                                                                              now
                        2 years ago
he used to smoke                    
he doesn’t smoke now

C. Fluency Drills
Listen to some questions and respond using cues given!

Question          : Do you take any English course?
Answer            : Well, I used to take English course, but I don’t anymore

  1. ……………………………………………...............................................
  2. …………………………………………………………………………...
  3. …………………………………………………………………………...
  4. …………………………………………………………………………...
  5. etc

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