Senin, 14 Mei 2012



 A. Routines

Marie   : What do you usually do on your day off, Chuck?
Chuck  : Well, I always get up early, around 5 o'clock and I lift weights for an hour.
Marie   : You're kidding!
Chuck  : No, then I usually run for about 2 hours.
Marie   : Wow! You really like to stay in shape.
Chuck  : And after that, I go home and eat a big breakfast. How about you?
Marie   : Oh, on my day off, I just watch TV all day. I guess I'm a real couch potato!

B. My Busiest Day
Take turns, Tell you friends about your busiest day of the week. Explain the reasons why you like / dislike the day!


  1. My busiest day is Friday. I have classes until 9 P.M.
  2. I hate Monday! I get up at 5 A.M. I catch the train at 6. I start work at 7 and finish around 6 P.M. Then I take a German class from 7 to 10 P.M. It's a really long day for me!

C. Pair Work
Find out how often your partner does the following:
  1. go to movies
  2. go swimming
  3. watch television
  4. play sport
  5. go on holiday
  6. go for dating

Ask for the information like this:
            What time do you usually get up?
            What time do you usually have (breakfast, lunch, or dinner)?
            What time do you usually go home?
            What time do you usually go to bed?

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